• Best price guarantee – lowest prices guaranteed when making reservation only through our website
  • Upgrade to higher room type free of charge (upon availability)
  • Welcome drink per person free of charge
  • Changes in reservation ca be made without additional charges
Special offers
Room reservation
  • Best price guarantee – lowest prices guaranteed when making reservation only through our website
  • Upgrade to higher room type free of charge (upon availability)
  • Welcome drink per person free of charge
  • Changes in reservation ca be made without additional charges
Best Price Guarantee – get 5% discount.   Click here

How peat is applied

Wraps are generally applied to the back, shoulders and cruciate area, or limb joints, and are applied by placing a heated peloid layer of about 3-5 cm thickness to the prescribed area of the body. Following application the patient stays in the same position for 20 minutes, after which they have a cleansing shower, without the use of soap or other hygiene agents, and a period of rest.